Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Guess I just felt like updating this a bit. Well I'm now a sophomore. It's CRAZY how freshmen year went by so fast. I have met so many wonderful friends even if some of them drifted and some of the were "fake" or "two faced." Bboying has started to become something ESSENTIAL to my life now. It has become something I've been dedicated to and I don't think I'll quit for a LONG time. Friends this year have been a really big thing to me now. There's only a few people I trust but the one I trust the most would probably be Sofia. Sofia is an amazing person even she has made mistakes in her life. But who hasn't? I LOVE her so much I'd be sad if we even drifted apart even a little. She has stuck with me throughout freshmen year through all my ups and downs. Sure we don't hang out ALL the time during school, but it's those times when we need to run to someone which makes our friendship really unique. I love her for that and I always will. Cool thing about us is my mom knew her mom and uncle a long time ago. Funny how Sofia and I met each other wooo. Our connection must be destiny, eh? ;D. Anyways, the growth in my life is happening fast. The pain that I have to go through in my life slowly goes away. I thought this blog would help me release some stress. WELL, now it's summertime. I should be enjoying it but I've been stuck at home for the past 2 weeks. Since both my parents have split, I can't really rely on a ride to get anywhere. I'm just waiting on something AMAZING to happen. Sofia's birthday is tomorrow and I haven't spoken to her in a long time. I hope my surprise will flatter her. I'm not all that good at gifts but I can try right? Anyways, that's all I wanted to talk about in a small chunk.

I'll be updating this frequently now.
This is me,

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